Indonesia | Tropical and peat forests, deforestation, satellite data impact assessment | Status: Finished, June 2022
Master thesis: Impact assessments and satellite data
We worked together with Mirre Stevens, a master student of the University of Wageningen (WUR) and with Satelligence and Robeco Bank on an ESVD case study. The goal of this case study was an exploration on the alignment of the database with satellite data to monetize the impacts of investment decisions on ecosystems.
With satellite data from Satelligence, we are estimating the value of deforestated tropical forests.
The final report will be available soon.
Involved user groups and ESVD applications
In this project we aim to show the benefits of using the ecosystem services approach to take the 'full' value of Indonesian ecosystems into account. We are specifically targeting the following user groups through the following ESVD applications:
Business & Consultancy
The link between satellite data and the ESVD is researched to gain insights in the usefullness of monetary valuation data for Robeco.
Financial Institutions
The link between satellite data and the ESVD is researched to gain insights in the usefullness of monetary valuation data for Robeco.