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Luchtfotografie van de natuur


Economic and monetary information on ecosystem services is important in many ways: It can help to demonstrate the welfare effect of investing in nature conservation and landscape restoration, it is essential in attempts to internalize externalities in cost-benefit analysis of land use changes and business models, and it is increasingly used in natural capital accounting and national conservation strategies. ESVD has worked on multiple projects with multiple partners.


SELINA 2022-2027

FSD partakes in the 5 year SELINA project (EU Horizon grant) consisting of 50 partner organisation throughout Europe with the aim to uptake ecosystem services in decision-making.


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Wielewaal 2024

In collaboration with the Dutch Bureau of Statistics (CBS) and the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) we conducted an assessment to value the ecosystem services of the Wielewaal in monetary terms.


Image by Don Fontijn

ASN Bank 2.0 project

In our second project in collaboration with the ASN Bank, we continue our collective effort to measure the impact of 2 investments of the ASN Biodiversity Fund on the economic value of ecosystem services, thereby linking impacts on nature to investment risks and opportunities.



TEER Initiative - FAO

We have actively engaged in a collaborative effort with FAO, making substantial contributions to the data collection and analysis of The Economics of Ecosystem Restoration (TEER) initiative.

LNV Update 2022-2023

LNV had supported a new update of the ESVD, adding a total of 1,253 values, reaching almost 9400 value estimates in the ESVD, while also introducing new functionalities for and implementing an automated review process.

Image by Stefan Katrandjiski

Workshop - North Macedonia

In North-Macedonia, we gave a workshop on integrated ecosystem service assessments for NGO's, governmental organisations, managers of national parks and scientists.

Image by Jonathan Ford

DEFRA Update 2020


This update highlighted UK ecosystem services with a special focus on habitats relevant for flood risk management.



We collaborated with the FAO on their ABC-tool by including the ESVD monetary values for the biodiversity module. Included over 1300 new values.

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Macedonia 2023

Our project in North-Macedonia has the aim to contribute to sustainable land management and implementation of ecosystem services through our integrated assessment of the monetary benefits of ecosystem services.

Image by Marvin Alexander Ullrich

LNV Update 2021


LNV supported the spring 2021 update of the ESVD, adding over 600 value estimates to an estimated total of 5400 value estimates and supporting the development of


Image by SpaceX


User Case

With satellite data from Satelligence we are estimating the value of deforestated tropical forests.

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ASN Biodiversity Fund

For the ASN Bank, we piloted the use  of monetary valuation for risk assessment in their biodiversity fund.


State of the World's Forests

The FAO supported the ESVD update for their flagship report: State of the World's Forests 2022 (SOFO).


RVO - ESVD and Satellite Data

We collaborated with the Dutch Enterprise Agency (RVO) to align the ESVD with satellite data for financial institutions.


Global Ratings

The project consisted of calculating a hypothetical cost of nature-loss for Amazonian-sourced beef.


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