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Image by Alexandre Lecocq

       Netherlands, South-America, Africa | Agriculture, wetlands and forests, quality improvement, updating the ESVD |  Status: Finished May 2023

LNV 2022-2023
Making nature count: Updating and improving the ESVD

This project aimed to further improve the data management system and the quality control process, in addition to an ESVD update with data relevant for the Dutch financial sector. Finally, this follow-up project has helped to align the ESVD with other methodologies such as ENCORE (Exploring Natural Capital Opportunities, Risks and Exposure), the Partnership for Biodiversity Accounting Financials (PBAF), the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) and the Biodiversity Footprint for Financial Institutions (BFFI). This follows from the expressed needs from a great variety of stakeholders within the financial sector for more (reviewed) data, and the integration of this data in an online tool (


To achieve our goals, we focused on three key activities:


1. Improving the online data management system:


  • We enhanced the online framework of the ESVD by incorporating two additional classification systems: the SEEA ecosystem services classification and the ESVD 2.0 Biome & Ecosystem classification (

  • We introduced new functionalities, such as Mapping, New filter queries, adjustment of visible data, outlier exclusion rules, additional user account information, statistics of user profiles and queries, reference info, version information, textual adjustments, grid system, and upload functionality.


2. Ensuring data quality management:


  • We implemented systemic improvements to enhance data quality by establishing biome review groups (BRG) in collaboration with the ES Partnership.

  • Furthermore, we integrated ES classifications into the ESVD to further enhance data quality.

3. Regular data updates:


  • Throughout the project, we continuously updated the ESVD with 1,253 new values, resulting in nearly 9400 value estimates for ecosystem services.


Involved user groups and ESVD applications

In this project we aim to show the benefits of using the ecosystem services approach to take the 'full' value of ecosystems into account, specifically, with a focus on South-America and Africa. We are targeting the following user groups through the following ESVD applications:


The usefulness of spatial ecosystem services values was recognized by LNV. The ESVD update can assist LNV in their decision-making process by highlighting the importance of nature. This will happen by a data update and improved functionalities.

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